Gettysburg is packed with rich history. Explore every aspect of the historic Civil War battle that took place in this quiet Pennsylvania town on your informative guided tour.
After a beautiful drive, you’ll arrive at the Shriver House Museum and learn what it was like to be a soldier in the 1860s. Explore Gettysburg for a close-up look at one of the most historic battles in American history.
On this Civil War tour, you’ll also visit the Gettysburg Visitor Center. Watch an excellent introductory film narrated by Morgan Freeman, and then take the opportunity to tour the fascinating on-site museum. View exhibits that explore the long-lasting effects of the Battle of Gettysburg before visiting the actual battlefield. You’ll then take a comprehensive guided tour of the actual site where all the action took place.
This Civil War tour starts in Washington, D.C. and leads you on a scenic drive to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where you’ll find informative exhibits waiting at the fascinating Visitor Center. Watch a short film, explore the museum, and learn what it was like to be a soldier in the Civil War, all before taking a two-hour tour of the Gettysburg battlefield.