Imagine a magical meeting with a playful sea lion. This program was created especially for you and the sea lion to share a series of thrilling activities while establishing a unique bond.
After an orientation session for your small group of 10 - 12 guests, join the sea lion in the water for some fun and educational interaction.
In addition to your 50 minute Sea Lion swim, your tour price includes admission to the Coral World Marine Park which offers an Undersea Observatory, Caribbean Reef Encounter, Marine Gardens, Stingray Lagoon, Turtle Pool and Critter Corners. Through activities, feeding demonstrations and exhibits, the park educates guests on the conservation of the ocean's environment as well as its inhabitants.
Space is extremely limited and will sell out. Book early to avoid disappointment.
Please Note: The Marine Gardens, Lorikeet Aviary and Shark Shallows are closed or under renovation due to hurricane damage.