Come and see the beautiful pink dolphins off the coast of Hong Kong for an unforgettable experience. See the pink dolphins in their natural habitat as you learn about them and the threats they face on this three hour pink dolphin tour.
Start your tour cruising Hong Kong's harbor and its surrounding waters. While on this pink dolphin tour, soak up some sun as you sail and see photogenic Hong Kong from another perspective. The crew will alert you if any pink dolphins are spotted. Tours have a 96 percent chance of spotting the pink dolphins, but if not, passengers can reschedule another dolphin tour for free.
Not actually pink, the Chinese white dolphins (pink dolphins) are actually just blushing. When they swim, blood rushes to the surface of the dolphin's skin, giving them a rosy-pink hue. The endangered Chinese white dolphins froclick in the waters in the harbor of Hong Kong and are being threatened by the city's growth through land reclamation, boat traffic, and industrial pollution.
Get to know Hong Kong's endangered pink dolphins, see them swim in their natural habitat, and learn about the threats they face on this three hour pink dolphin tour through Hong Kong's harbor. At the end of your tour, the Chinese white dolphin is sure to leave you tickled pink.